Conversion Dashboard

Developed in 2014 for

Purpose & Background

The purpose of this project was to expand upon the Revenue Tracking System previously built at SurfMyAds, extending the reach of the system's tracking and the depth of its reporting abilities. The project originated from discussions on the effects of the implementation of the previous Revenue Tracking System, and the revelation that some manual attribution processes were still necessary alongside the automated ones. The end goal of the project was to enhance the existing tracking system to include source attribution tracking, allowing more granular reporting and reducing or removing resources used in manual tracking tasks.

Additional Details

This project was an extension of the previous Revenue Tracking System which I had built and maintained for SurfMyAds. Web interface and service for tracking and analyzing promotion usage, interfacing with revenue tracking system for appropriation of earnings.


The tracking and reporting system was successfully developed to completion and integrated with the previous Revenue Tracking System. Additional resources used to manually track affiliate commission attributions were reduced along with human-error through automated processes. The system continues to evolve, adapting to business needs and remains in use to this day.


C#, ASP.Net, MVC, Web API, SQL, JavaScript

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