Pack Check

Designed in 2012 for Fluent Edge Technologies

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Purpose & Background

The purpose of this project was to create a new solution for warehouse order packing in Ecometry Open-Systems based on functionality from a legacy system. The project originated from a client wishing to improve upon the tools used by his warehouse order packing team, and I guided the project through design and development with them. The end goal was to craft a reusable solution which could be integrated with any Ecometry Open-Systems client desiring a similar function.

Additional Details

I personally led this project from design and development through the first major deployment. The product was developed to extend a retail warehouse order fulfillment system. The available interface allowed minimal interaction from the average user, so a custom Windows forms program was developed to expand around the shortcomings of the legacy predecessor program.


The product was developed to completion for the original client and successfully deployed to their production fulfillment line. Since then, multiple Ecometry clients have requested similar integrations and further product improvements.


C#, Windows Forms, SQL

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