Quote Tool

Created in 2016 for Lowe's

Purpose & Background

The purpose of this project was to replace a legacy predecessor system with a more efficient & scalable solution. The origins of the project stemmed from the end of the Web Platform Upgrade project with Lowe's, when major internal web applications were reviewed. The existing tool fit the bill for a rewrite project with both the volume of use it experienced and the level improvement which could be leveraged from migration to a modern N-Tier application. The end goal was to deliver a performant, testable, scalable and responsive application to replace and/or expand the functionality of the existing tool.

Additional Details

This project was guided by my team from the planning phases through development, as we had historically supported the tool's legacy predecessor. The framework for the tool utilized N-Tier architecture to move data through a Web API service and serve the front-end using MVC & asynchronous JavaScript. My team designed and crafted the product alongside our business analyst and project management members through dozens of successful sprints and major organizational changes.


The new tool experienced drastically increased performance and responsiveness in comparison with its legacy predecessor. Test-Driven architecture was utilized to enhance product maintainability.


C#, ASP.Net, MVC, Web API, SQL, JavaScript

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