Revenue Dashboard

Created in 2013 for

Purpose & Background

The purpose of this project was to create an automated solution to replace a manual revenue tracking and reporting process. The needs for the project originated prior to my joining the SurfMyAds team, and describing my thoughts on this project/solution was a key part of my interview process. As a business based on internet promotions and marketing, there was a very strong need for a centralized system to interact with multiple affiliate-marketing partners regarding earnings tracking. The end goal was to develop an automated, extensible platform based on micro services to track and report commissionable revenue earnings and reduce or remove resources used in manual tracking tasks.

Additional Details

This project was guided through design by my small team, and I was given the opportunity to claim ownership of development for the product. The separation between desired functions clearly lended itself to development of RESTful microservices to retrieve data, modeling of a universal affiliate transaction data set, and design of an efficient web portal for reporting. Having ownership over the project, I was directly involved with the design, development, and continuous improvement of the product through my tenure at SurfMyAds.


The tracking services and reporting system were successfully developed to completion, and deployed to production use. The amount of resources reduced from the previous manual methods of tracking and reporting was phenomenal, removing several hours of tedious and error-prone verification per affiliate representative each day. The system was eventually expanded further into the Conversion Tracking System, and remains in use to this day.


C#, ASP.Net, MVC, Web API, SQL, JavaScript

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